Lasevaweb Global Web Services Vic Osona

Virtual Office services and tools

Implement interactive and functional solutions that allow more efficient collaboration between the workers of the beneficiary companies.

Execution percentages associated with the phases:

  • First: 80%
  • Second: 20%

Functionalities and services

  • Collaboration in work teams: you will have assistance from the provider in the creative process of ideation or management of teams for the collaborative management of projects, sharing resources and/or knowledge , provide tools for team interaction in ideation or problem-solving processes, as well as the configuration and customization of workflows, tasks, etc.
  • Store and share files: you will have 1 TB of storage.
  • Compatibility with mobile devices. Your solution will be compatible with mobile devices.
  • Calendar and agenda: will allow you to organize a calendar and your planned tasks.

Beneficiary segment

  • 0 < 3 workers: 250€/user (up to 2 users)
  • 3 < 9 workers: 250€/user (up to 9 users)
  • 10 < 50 workers: 250€/user (up to 48 users)

Our solution

    Project Management Software where you can plan, view, collaborate and control your team. It allows you to take control of the finances of your projects in real time and review the initial budget, expenses and time spent using a time register.
    Working as a team assigning tasks and notifying about changes of state instantly.
    It readily schedules the necessary visits, meetings and events.
    You can differentiate from competition by helping you achieve optimum productivity and increase profits.

Our solution includes

  • Unlimited Users
  • 1 hour of training
  • Storage space: You will have 1 TB of storage per user.
  • Collaboration in work teams.
  • File usage logs
  • Store and share files online.
  • Share files via encrypted link.
  • Address book.
  • Compatibility with mobile devices.
  • Automatic synchronization with local computers.
  • Custom calendar per user.
  • Includes annual accommodation
  • SSL security certificate installation (Let’s Encrypt)
  • Personalized with the client's image.

Price 250€ user/year

Manage yours with us digital kit Credit

up to 12.000€ and get the boost your business needs

We're ready, and you?

Fill this form if you want to make use of digital kit with us and we'll contact you to evaluate the company's digital state and explain what the grant is.