Lasevaweb Global Web Services Vic Osona

Digital Sales

This digital sales advisory service focuses on establishing the necessary investments and digital marketing techniques, including the use of artificial intelligence technologies, to enhance the performance of the company's online sales, with a business-tailored use case.

Functionalities and services

  • Analyze the current situation of the company in digital sales, positioning in social networks, and online presence.
  • Raise awareness among employees about the importance and techniques of online sales and digital marketing.
  • Define an online sales and digital presence strategy for the medium and long term using AI-based predictive models.
  • Develop and execute a business-tailored use case using appropriate AI techniques in the area of digital sales.
  • Identify opportunities or possible uses of AI in the field of digital sales.
  • Provide technical documentation and evidence required for the justification of the service, including meetings and results.
  • Conduct an initial diagnostic of the company's situation in online sales and digital presence.
  • Conduct a comprehensive analysis of online sales and digital presence, including e-commerce platforms and search engine visibility.
  • Provide strategic recommendations in digital marketing covering SEO, SEM, social media management, content marketing, and more.
  • Offer a specialized guide for effective data tracking and analysis using tools such as Google Analytics.
  • Analyze the digital channels currently used by the company and propose new channels to increase revenue.

Beneficiary segment

  • Segment I. Small businesses with between 10 and fewer than 50 employees - 6.000€
  • Segment IV. Medium-sized businesses with between 50 and fewer than 100 employees - 6.000€
  • Segment V. Medium-sized businesses with between 100 and fewer than 250 employees - 6.000€

Manage yours with us consulting kit subscription

up to €24,000 and get the boost your business needs

We're ready, and you?

Fill this form if you want to make use of digital kit with us and we'll contact you to evaluate the company's digital state and explain what the grant is.