Lasevaweb Global Web Services Vic Osona

Electronic commerce

Creation of an online store for the sale of products and/or services that uses digital media for their exchange.

Execution percentages associated with the phases:

  • First: 80%
  • Second: 20%

Functionalities and services

  • Product catalogue: we create your online store with a maximum of 120 products.
  • Payment methods: the Digitizing Agent you have selected will configure and integrate the payment methods in your online store.
  • Shipping methods: we configure and integrate the payment methods you want to have in your store.
  • Web responsive: your website will automatically adapt if it is viewed on a PC, mobile, tablet,...
  • Accessibility: Your website will meet the AA level compliance criteria of the WCAG-2.1 Guidelines.
  • Autogestionable: disposaràs d'una plataforma de gestió de continguts perquè puguis modificar els continguts de la teva web sense necessitat d'ajuda
  • Basic positioning on the internet: your store will be indexed to the main search engines on the internet.
  • Optimization of search engine presence (basic SEO): Keyword analysis, competition analysis, On-Page SEO of 2 pages or sections, indexing and ranking of the content and quarterly monitoring reports.
  • Technical support: we offer you a professional technical service and we will assist you in less than 24 hours.
  • Training: we include the basic training so that you can manage the website if there are any problems.

Beneficiary segment

  • 0 < 3 workers: 2.000€
  • 3 < 9 workers: 2.000€
  • 10 < 50 workers: 2.000€
    Includes 12 months of service provision

Our solution

    Shoppium is also ideal for associations, cooperatives and business groups because it allows you to: Manage multiple stores with the same control panel, have catalogs for each of the stores and privatize them if necessary, decide the payment method individually, configure shipping and / or collection methods for each of the stores, have multiple user profiles with the level of authorization you decide to manage one or more stores

Our solution includes

  • Comercio electrónico con CMS PrestaShop®
  • Categorías y productos ilimitados
  • Dominio personalizado (.com .es .eu .net .org)
  • Diseño responsive multidispositivo.
  • Diseño profesional basado en plantilla propia de optimizada.
  • Alojamiento web/Hosting (2Gb)
  • Ilimitadas cuentas de correo corporativo
  • Alta en Google Analytics y Consola de búsqueda
  • Inclusión de aviso de cookies y textos legales
  • Enlace a redes sociales
  • Optimización de SEO básico
  • Panel de control y tablero de estadísticas
  • Alta en Google Mi Negocio
  • Acceso Administrador a tu web
  • Instalación de certificado SSL (Let's Encrypt)
  • Traductor de idioma de Google
  • Inclusión de Píxel de Facebook
  • Editor visual
  • Formulario de suscripción/Newsletter
  • Botón de Whatsapp
  • Deslizador avanzado personalizado
  • Transportista: 1
  • Máximo productos subidos por CSV: 120
  • Medios de pago: Tarjeta de crédito y transferencia
  • Funcionalidad extra medios de pago, a elegir una entre:
    • Pago a plazos
    • Bizum
    • PayPal con/sin recarga
    • Contra reembolso con/sin recargo
    • Tarjetas regalo
  • Funcionalidad extra aumento de ventas, a elegir una entre:
    • Venta cruzada
    • Plataforma de email marketing
    • Inclusión de Pop-up
  • Funcionalidad extra atención al cliente, a elegir una entre:
    • Chat en línea
    • Formulario personalizado
    • Integración directa de proveedor de mensajería
    • Copias de seguridad incluidas.

Prices of 1.500€ - 2.000€
* VAT not included

Manage yours with us digital kit Credit

up to 12.000€ and get the boost your business needs

We're ready, and you?

Fill this form if you want to make use of digital kit with us and we'll contact you to evaluate the company's digital state and explain what the grant is.