Lasevaweb Global Web Services Vic Osona


Direct the references/products of the beneficiaries to help the brand increase its level of sales, optimizing existing resources, choosing the appropriate distribution channels and adapting the references/products to external needs.

Execution percentages associated with the phases:

  • First: 80%
  • Second: 20%

Functionalities and services

  • Previous study of alternatives and platform registration: Account opening and registration of the Beneficiary's profile, on their own, in at least one (1) Marketplace platform and in, at least one (1) country.
  • Analysis of the competition: Carrying out market research focused on the characteristics of the competitors to improve the decision-making process and achieve a competitive position.
  • Design and definition of the business strategy: Generation of the business strategy to achieve the desired objectives, directing the available resources towards said purpose.
  • Production of the catalog of references: Analysis of the categories to be marketed to select, at least, ten (10) products aligned with the business strategy, unless the Beneficiary does not have this number, in which case it may be less.
  • Creation of the content of the listing: Definition of at least ten (10) descriptions of the catalog of references, unless the Beneficiary does not have this number, in which case it may be less.
  • Registration of references: Uploading at least ten (10) references, and their respective descriptions and photographs, on the platform, unless the Beneficiary does not have this number, in which case may be less, accompanied by the description and individual photograph of each product.

Beneficiary segment

  • 0 < 3 workers: 2.000€
  • 3 < 9 workers: 2.000€
  • 10 < 50 workers: 2.000€

Manage yours with us digital kit Credit

up to 12.000€ and get the boost your business needs

We're ready, and you?

Fill this form if you want to make use of digital kit with us and we'll contact you to evaluate the company's digital state and explain what the grant is.